Kenali Kerusakan Ban (Know Tyre Damage)

Sebelum mengemudikan kendaraan, periksalah ban kendaraan Anda agar lebih aman dan nyaman diperjalanan. (Before steering the vehicle, checked your vehicle tyre so that more safe and comfortable on the road.)

1. Periksa ban tampak luar. Apakah ada kerusakan, terbelah, kena paku, batu atau aus. (Check the outside appearance tyre. Had damage, was divided, was hit by the nail, the stone or worn.)

2. Periksa tekanan angin secara berkala. Periksa ban tekanan anginnya kempis atau masih stabil. Ban dengan tekanan angin kurang dari standar akan menyebabkan permukaan ban mudah terkelupas dan aus tak rata. Sedangkan ban dengan tekanan angin melebihi tekanan standar berbahaya, dapat meledak/pecah ban dan aus tak rata. (Check the wind pressure periodically. Check his tyre of the wind pressure was flat or still was stable. The tyre with the wind pressure less than the standard will cause the surface of the tyre to be easy to be peeled off and worn not level. Whereas the tyre could with the wind pressure of exceeding the dangerous standard pressure, break out/broke out the tyre and worn not level.)

3. Periksa beban yang ditanggung ban. Beban terlalu berlebih dapat menyebabkan terjadinya tekukan berlebihan pada ban, panas berlebih, dan meledak/pecah ban. (Check the burden that was borne the tyre. The burden was too excessive could cause the occurrence of the excessive fold to the tyre, hot was abundant, and exploded/broke out the tyre.)

Beberapa Contoh Kerusakan Ban : (Some of Tyre Damage Examples)

1. Aus Tak Rata (Aus satu sisi) : Keselarasan roda (Spooring) tidak sesuai. Rotasi berkala tidak tepat waktu atau tidak dilakukan. (Worn one-side : the wheel Harmony (Spooring) inappropriate. The rotation was periodic not right on time or was not carried out.)

2. Pemisahan Telapak : Tekanan angin kurang dan atau beban berlebih. Kecepatan kendaraan terlalu tinggi. (The separation of The Palm : the wind pressure not all that and or the burden was abundant. The speed of the vehicle was too high.)

3. Terpotong Pelek : Pelek cacat. Ukuran pelek tidak cocok. Salah bongkar dan pasang. (Cut off by Rim : the defect of the Rim. the Measurement of the rim of was not suitable . be wrong to take apart and rise)

4. Retak karena Ozon : Penyimpanan yang tidak layak, terkena sinar matahari atau mesin listrik, Terlalu lama disimpan, Beban berlebihan atau tekanan angin kurang. (The crack because of Ozone : saving that was not appropriate, was affected by the sun rays or the electricity machine, Too Long was kept, the excessive Burden or the wind pressure not all that)

5. Dinding Menggelembung : Benang putus akibat benturan, Pengemudian yang kasar. (
The wall was inflated : The thread was cut off resulting from the collision, the rough driving.)

6. Benang Putus Melingkar : Kendaraan berjalan terus-menerus dalam keadaan kurang angin. Beban berlebihan. (Cord Breaking Up-CBU : The vehicle went continually in the situation not all that the wind. The burden was abundant.)

7. Pemisahan akibat Panas : Pemakaian ban yang tidak cocok peruntukannya. Kendaraan berjalan pada kecepatan tinggi terus menerus. Tekanan angin kurang dan beban yang berlebihan. (The separation resulting from Hot: the Use of the tyre that was not suitable his allocation. The vehicle went in the high speed continually. The wind pressure not all that and the excessive burden.)

8. Berjalan Tanpa Angin : Kempis mendadak akibat robekan, penambalan yang gagal, pelek cacat, atau pemasangan tidak tepat. Dijalankan terus meskipun ban kempis. Tekanan angin terlalu rendah. (Undertaken Without wind : Flat suddenly resulting from torn, mended that failed, the rim of the defect, or the fitting was inexact. Undertaken continued despite the punctured tyre. The wind pressure was too low.)

9. Pemisahan pada Bahu: Tumbukan yang kuat. Tekanan angin rendah dan beban berlebih. Pengemudian kasar pada kecepatan tinggi. (The collision that was strong. The separation to the Shoulder: The low wind pressure and the burden were abundant. The rough piloting in the high speed.)

10. Bead Meledak: Salah ukuran pelek atau komponen pelek. Pelek cacat (berubah bentuk, berkara, retak). Tekanan angin terlalu tinggi dan beban berlebihan. (Exploded of Bead : Wrong the measurement of the rim or the rim component. The rim of the defect (changed the form, the crack). The wind pressure was too high and the burden was abundant.)

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